
My Blog

The Deep Walking Experience

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Mental Health

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Spiritual Teachings

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When the shadow takes over

The ancient teachers of Jewish mysticism and self-development warned their students to be very watchful of the shadow side of character taking hold the further they walked the spiritual path. The universe has a way of rewarding the "enlightened spirit" with power,...

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Emotions running wild?

A common thread in the teachings of the great sages is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts and behavior as a means of avoiding pain and suffering.  It is one of the easiest and hardest things to do. In the age of social-media and political demagogues “the...

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Why are our pets getting cancer?

We are seeing a staggering rise in cancer among dogs and cats. In the past the leading cause of death was an accident or injury, and some of the experts are saying that it is a normal phenomenon because our pets are getting older. Others disagree: What is killing us...

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As within so without

That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is above... This excerpt from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, a text shrouded in mystery and believed to be several thousand years old, illustrate to some extent how much the...

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Is facebook really the problem?

Facebook has rightly come in the firing line for its shoddy handling of personal data but I have a problem with the hysteria around the issue which seems to miss the point. Social media sites are abusing our data because we allow them to do so. The contract is that...

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Back pain: Walk it off

Back pain is becoming an increasing disability, increasing by more  than 50 per cent since 1990. A series of papers just released by The Lancet shows that most treatments such as surgery and the use of opioids is doing more harm than good. Apart from accidents and...

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Emotions and politics

Globally humanity currently seems to be shifting towards fanatical extremes aimed at building walls rather than dialogue for the greater good.  Rogue politicians are feasting on toxic emotions and making our world a more dangerous place. Extremism feeds on basic...

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Our greatest fear

When a close family member dies unexpectedly we are inevitably confronted with our own greatest fear: The fear of death. It is the nature of existence that at some point in our life we will cease to exist in the physical form - something we like to banish from our...

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Creating a better version of yourself

I had a really inspiring meeting last week in Hamburg and Vienna with the best-selling author and founder of Nerium International, Jeff Olson. He embodies all the philosophies on health and self-development that inspired me to establish my own consultancy business...

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Sprint and recovery

We live in a time where countless forces are demanding our attention. They are in reality pulling us away from our true destiny and our heart wishes. Most TV shows, the tabloids and social media feed our mind with false images and mind junk. And what you feed your...

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2018: Why most New Year resolutions fail

At the start of a new year much thought is given to resolutions. You might be planning to lose weight and sign-up for a yoga class, learn to play the guitar or reduce a spending habit. The truth is that most such good intentions don't last the first half of the month...

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Majorca: Island of contrasts

I'm gradually settling in on Majorca, my new home base. Admittedly I was prejudiced by the reports of mainly hard-drinking low-budget tourists frequenting the Mediterranean island. The reality is that like its geography the region is marked by stark contrasts. The...

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Home and the heart of things

In the past few days I have dissolved a home of 21 years in northern Germany and moved to the Spanish island of Majorca. It poses the question of what we define as home and where to let go of meaningless material attachment. One of the key lessons of walking the...

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I've just been watching those amazing images of the crowds in Zimbabwe celebrating the fall of the tyrant Robert Mugabe who has steered a country once revered as the bread basket of Africa into a destitute nation dependent on food aid. Most of us folk who grew up in...

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