
My Blog

The Deep Walking Experience

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Mental Health

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Spiritual Teachings

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Emotions and Health: The Hidden Connection

Emotions and Health: The Hidden Connection

A growing body of research reveals a close connection between emotions and physical health. Negative emotions such as anger, fear and hate weaken the body’s immune system while positive emotions such as laughter, gratitude and kindness elevate stress resilience.

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Recasting yourself in the New Year

“In every change, in every falling leaf, there is some pain, some beauty. And that's the way new leaves grow.” ― Amit Ray The past two years have been a rough ride for many people. Many of us no doubt went into the year thinking the pandemic would soon be over. It...

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Difficulty finding your purpose?

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson A great many people are confused by the plethora of literature on finding your...

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What is your unique thumbprint?

The true calling often lies in the wounds of the past that have sculptured us into the human beings that we are destined to become. When reflecting on the past it often becomes obvious how the pain and the obstacles that we have had to overcome gave us the skillset needed to fulfill divine purpose.

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Finding truth and beauty within

Living according to the Dao means living without attachment. Life itself is the objective and the motivation. Behind a seemingly chaotic exterior lies a natural order of things. Nature has its seasons and cycles. We need to accept the impermanence of all things. There is always change, growth, death, and rebirth.

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Breathing into health and wellbeing

Rituals performed by ancient peoples and the old religions have always understood the power of breathing and that certain breathing techniques are essential in experiential spirituality and elevation of consciousness.

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Prioritizing your core values

At times we are at the crossroads of having to change jobs, undertaking an important business venture or going deeper in a relationship. We mull over the decision-making process for days but it all becomes a lot easier when you pass the “yes” or “no” through the filter of your core values.

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When the lie becomes the truth

When the lie becomes the truth

When a collective totalitarian psychosis starts taking root the individual is being coerced by the professional deceiver and demagogue into lying to himself. There is inevitably a separation between soul purpose, integrity and authenticity. The individual is swept away by a type of totalitarian mass hypnosis.

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Beware the false prophets

“The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds.” Jeremiah 14:14 Organized religion arguably provides...

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A tribute to Father’s Day

Society needs to reframe the role of the father and the father needs to explore role models beyond the dysfunctional family unit. Expression of vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but of strength and creates real space for intimate relationships. Humility is a powerful antidote to a false image of pride.

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Lets talk about money

Lets talk about money

It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. –Seneca— There is hardly a topic loaded with such emotion as money, seemingly at the root of all trouble including family fallouts, divorces and the end of longtime friendships. Dave...

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Humility and the lessons of adversity

Humility and adversity teach us that we always have another mountain to climb during life’s up-and-down cycles. Climbing those mountains makes us more resilient. As long as we are alive we are never done as human beings

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Have you found your calling?

A calling can change many times over during a lifetime. What you are doing now may only set the stage in preparing and giving you the skillset for the next chapter in your life. You need only to take a step back to have a conversation with your 16-year-old self in realizing how much life has sculptured you into who you are today.

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