Choosing the right moment
There is a saying among the ancient Buddhist and Taoist sages that impermanence is a fact of life and most suffering is caused by attachment to that which has gone and is no more.
Walls again?
Building walls is not the answer. The real challenge is to confront the inner walls built with the bricks of fear, the very distorted and colored perspective of the past and underlying prejudice.
When is enough, enough
Happiness is a state of “Being” and not something to be achieved. Yet, we are bombarded daily with subliminal messages and images that feed our mind with the toxic message that one day you will be happy if you get that salary raise, can afford that house or buy that...Who are you?
Emotional and physical exhaustion is one of the scourges of the modern era. Depression is reaching almost epidemic proportions. You could very well say that the Western mind has lost its soul that has been entrapped by the temptations of immediate gratification. We...Reconnecting with ancestral roots
Our ancestors from centuries ago might be influencing our lives in more ways than we might be aware of.