
“You should feel beautiful and you should feel safe. What you surround yourself with should bring you peace of mind and peace of spirit.” —Stacy London

Events in the external world are a reflection of collective consciousness. Global tragedies such as wars and natural catastrophes are inflection points for humanity that guide us forward into an elevation of consciousness or catapult us backward into reflex actions governed by toxic emotions.   If we want to have peace in the external world we have to find peace within. Persons unable or unwilling to transmute the shadow aspects of their personality gaining uncontrolled power can sow untold grief and pain as we are seeing now in Ukraine.   The enemy reveals who we really are But sometimes we need “an enemy” or the visible display of such gross injustice to galvanize us into action and to clarify our own moral compass and value system. What we are seeing on a global level is a battle between a world of freedom of expression, tolerance, and cultural diversity on the one hand versus 19th-century nationalism, violation of basic human rights, and authoritarian rule by a male Macho figurehead.   The 21st century is seeing a growing awareness that we are one humanity and that we can only survive as a species if we collectively address the common threats to our existence such as climate change, or deadly viruses that know no national boundaries.
Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com
The last battle of the old order Our economic and cultural systems have become increasingly intertwined. Those pariah nations of the old order such as Russia, Belarus, and North Korea will become increasingly isolated, poverty-stricken, and desolate places to live while the rest of the world prospers. We just need to reflect on what massive technological, medical, and other advances have been made during the past ten years.   We are gradually beginning to win a greater understanding of the functioning of the human mind. Medicine is on the threshold of finding cures for most of the deadly diseases of our time, slowing the aging process and extending lifetimes manifold. We have access to more information and knowledge than all the generations before us. On the spiritual level, there is a silent revolution happening with experiential spirituality, the language of the ancient Mystics, finding new expression. There is a growing rebellion against the hypocrisy of religious institutions and the clergy telling us what to believe and how to behave. The end of Macho culture Putin represents a male Macho culture of the past that must know its days are numbered. In our new order, we are already seeing a growing number of excellent female politicians with a leadership style that is more holistic, and empathic. History has provided ample lessons that disagreements are ultimately best resolved with dialogue and not by military subjugation.   For the moment we watch a tragedy unfold before us in Ukraine on a daily basis. It is a time when most of humanity can show its true resolve. The brave Ukrainians are also fighting for our basic values and self-respect. This is why we are seeing hundreds of thousands of ordinary people from Paris to Sydney taking to the streets. We are made more aware and grateful that the freedoms we have are not a certainty.   The clock cannot be turned back. On an individual level, it is those “flat on the ground” moments, those times of greatest despair and grief that force us to dive deep into soul nature. The moments of pain also offer the greatest opportunity for transformational change and a new beginning.