  • Has the source got a history of reliability and truth?
  • First and foremost there needs to be a consensus on common values, norms, and decency. This is the bottom line of a solidified and cohesive society.

    Reino Gevers – Author, Mentor and Consultant


    The fragmentation into tribal bubbles

    As our world becomes more globally connected on a digital level, there is also the fragmentation into tribal bubbles where the mind is fed with information from those “tribal” media channels of choice that think, dress, talk and believe in the same things that we do.

    The polarized political affiliations in the United States tell us more about the “culture wars” than a decent political debate on how to solve complex economic, environmental, and social issues.

    Tribes have a tendency to build defensive walls against all those who are not members of the same community.  It is then only a small step away to see them as the enemy targeting the watering hole.

    The western mind has very much lost its way. When there is a spiritual vacuum, loss of purpose and direction, it is fertile ground for demagogues. They fill the void in playing the “angst” game with nationalist or tribal rhetoric. Its us against them!  Political ideology has all the trappings of a pseudo-religion. Its black or white. A religious cult has the philosophy of either you believe what we tell you to or you will suffer eternal damnation.

    An innate spirituality is liberated from belief.  It intuitively feels rather than believes. It feels itself connected to a matrix that holds everything together on a different level. The tribal bubble cements belief. It becomes part of the ego and the self. Different opinions, irrefutable evidence, and scientific fact are slated as “fake news” because they might threaten the image of a false identity that has been created.

    It is particularly dangerous when a logical step like wearing a mask to stop the spreading of a life-threatening virus is being questioned because the medical facts and the science have been drowned in an avalanche of conspiracy theories and lies.

    The professional demagogues follow an agenda in cementing loyalty to the tribe. For that, they need to keep churning the confusion, division, hate, and conspiracy.

    It is more important than ever to stand guard at the doorway of the mind:

    • Is the information sourced?
    • Has the source got a history of reliability and truth?

    First and foremost there needs to be a consensus on common values, norms, and decency. This is the bottom line of a solidified and cohesive society.

    Reino Gevers – Author, Mentor and Consultant


    “Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” –Friedrich Nietzsche.

    There is a story that when Christopher Columbus arrived on the shores of Latin America the local people were unable to see the sailing ships because they were completely outside their experienced reality.

    Nietzsche warned of the “belief” mindset when people become trapped in a delusional reality, unable to accept an inevitable truth or fact.

    The invisible gorilla in the room The experiment of the invisible gorilla in the room just illustrates how susceptible we are to seeing the world how it isn’t.

    Crisis periods inevitably herald a shift to higher consciousness while at the same time we are seeing humanity falling back into the shadow world of superstition, fear, delusion, and sectarian extremism

    The fragmentation into tribal bubbles

    As our world becomes more globally connected on a digital level, there is also the fragmentation into tribal bubbles where the mind is fed with information from those “tribal” media channels of choice that think, dress, talk and believe in the same things that we do.

    The polarized political affiliations in the United States tell us more about the “culture wars” than a decent political debate on how to solve complex economic, environmental, and social issues.

    Tribes have a tendency to build defensive walls against all those who are not members of the same community.  It is then only a small step away to see them as the enemy targeting the watering hole.

    The western mind has very much lost its way. When there is a spiritual vacuum, loss of purpose and direction, it is fertile ground for demagogues. They fill the void in playing the “angst” game with nationalist or tribal rhetoric. Its us against them!  Political ideology has all the trappings of a pseudo-religion. Its black or white. A religious cult has the philosophy of either you believe what we tell you to or you will suffer eternal damnation.

    An innate spirituality is liberated from belief.  It intuitively feels rather than believes. It feels itself connected to a matrix that holds everything together on a different level. The tribal bubble cements belief. It becomes part of the ego and the self. Different opinions, irrefutable evidence, and scientific fact are slated as “fake news” because they might threaten the image of a false identity that has been created.

    It is particularly dangerous when a logical step like wearing a mask to stop the spreading of a life-threatening virus is being questioned because the medical facts and the science have been drowned in an avalanche of conspiracy theories and lies.

    The professional demagogues follow an agenda in cementing loyalty to the tribe. For that, they need to keep churning the confusion, division, hate, and conspiracy.

    It is more important than ever to stand guard at the doorway of the mind:

    • Is the information sourced?
    • Has the source got a history of reliability and truth?

    First and foremost there needs to be a consensus on common values, norms, and decency. This is the bottom line of a solidified and cohesive society.

    Reino Gevers – Author, Mentor and Consultant