It is a real tragedy that Christian religion has taught us for generations that it is better to live outside the body than within. Eastern religion has taken a different route with the body arts of yoga and tai chi deeply embedded in Buddhism and Hinduism.
Early mankind did not see the soul as separate from the body. Nature was part of the “oneness” – that feeling of being intertwined within the matrix of the universe.
As within so without. How we treat ourselves is how we treat our environment. We need to rediscover our body as a temple and an instrument harboring the soul that needs to be nurtured and loved like a good friend.
Our lifestyle choices in what we eat, how we exercise and how we deal with our stress level determines how healthy we are and who we are.
Now there are some folks out there who might argue that health is like a deck of cards: You have a bad hand or a good hand. The truth is that we do have control. Only a small percentage of people in fact have bad health that can be attributed to accidents or hereditary factors.
Health is a choice we control. We do have a choice when it comes to eating healthy or processed foods. We can control our recuperation by getting enough sleep and reduce our stress levels. Exercise has an enormous beneficial effect on the body metabolism, immune system and our mood.
Body work is spiritual work because our body gives us a signal in many ways whether we are on track or not. The Chinese teaching of the five elements is a real eye opener when it comes to typical health issues:
- Digestive problems for example could mean an issue with letting go of old things.
- Fear could manifest itself in kidney and bladder problems
- Liver and gall bladder, anger and frustration
- Heart, unresolved emotional issues
- Lung, setting boundaries or crossing the boundaries of others.
We are imperfect beings. Life is an ongoing learning process. But its quite possible to live a long and healthy life when we become more aware and mindful of our physical and spiritual needs.
Reino Gevers – Author, Mentor and Consultant