I recently had the privilege of visiting one of the most stunning chapels in the United Kingdom. Positioned in the Surrey Hills southwest of London, the Watts Chapel is a masterpiece of architecture, Celtic imagery and terracotta clay artwork. The interior design follows the medieval notion of God in heaven and moving downward to earth with the dome of the chapel representing heaven with God depicted in the form of a circle with no beginning and no end. Four messenger angels closest to God have their arms raised in blessing each representing values and symbolizing the divine connection to these principles. The non-negotiable principles Your values should be non-negotiable and define who you really are. It as an ideal to strive for and is commonly referred to as virtues in past generations. Pope Gregory the Great first defined a set of seven values in the 6th century based on older Greek religious values. These are:
Faith the belief doing the right things – Hope a trust that good will prevail – Charity a voluntary giving and help for others – Fortitude overcoming fear and remaining in trust even when facing obstacles – Justice being fair and equitable with others – Prudence exercising moderation and caution – Temperance moderation and self-control, especially regarding toxic emotions
There are several methods in defining those three to five core values most important to you. They could be some of those above or such values as dependability, reliability, positivity, integrity, kindness, authenticity or loyalty. Passing decision-making through the filter of your core values If your core values and principles are not congruent with the work you do on a daily basis or in your relationships you will become increasingly fatigued and exhausted. Soul purpose is closely aligned with your principles. Your five key core values, essentially define the ideal you are striving for in life. We are almost faced daily with important decision-making. At times we are at the crossroads of having to change jobs, undertaking an important business venture or going deeper in a relationship. We mull over the decision-making process for days but it all becomes a lot easier when you pass the “yes” or “no” through the filter of your core values. During a time when we are experiencing a gradual elevation of consciousness as a humanity, an increasing number of people are questioning their roles in corporations or institutions. Especially, when values, actions, and statements of a company are no longer congruent with personal values and norms we have an increase in job burnout among the employees. It might be time to move the ladder f you are feeling over a lengthy period of time this inconsistency of public and individual ideal you need to make a change. In my case, I got clarity over my future and my personal core values after taking a time out on a pilgrimage walk lasting several weeks. I knew that I had to get out of a dysfunctional marriage and leave the journalist job that once enabled me to live my ideals but was no longer doing so in the digital world. You could well also be in a situation where you realize that you have placed the ladder against the wrong wall for many years and that it’s time to move it to another space. After hosting numerous stress-management workshops in the corporate world I compiled the essentials in a 40-day online course: “Stepping into authenticity. Living to BE” Typically when illness, constant obstacles, and frustrations come your way, it would often be the universe telling you to make that change. On the other hand, if you are congruent with your innermost values everything seems to fall into place. The universe enables you to meet the right people at the right time who help open the door for you to a new beginning. Or you realize in an instant that you are just in the right place at the right time. You just happen to come across that book that opens up an entirely new perspective. American entrepreneur, speaker, and author Jim Rohn once said: “The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become.” And the Greek philosopher Aristotle defined the ultimate value in life as “awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.” Reino Gevers – Author – Mentor – Speaker One more thing: If you have found this article useful please share to spread the message. Check out also the latest online courses for you to download my books and our retreats on the island of Majorca.