In my previous blog I wrote about typical symptoms of psychological stress such as a stiff neck and shoulders. These are in most cases the first signals the body is sending “of a load too much to carry.”
Long-term effects of stress are far more serious. High blood pressure over many years often leads to a stroke, a heart attack or other serious health problems.
When the body is under constant stress it is more or less in a state of war with havoc caused on many levels. Muscles and blood vessels tighten up and begin to tear. Tendons are damaged.
Every cell is working overtime in trying to get the necessary nutrients. The body already has to deal with all the toxins found in processed food, chemicals, water and the atmosphere. In stress situations, cellular malfunction becomes more frequent. With the cells unable to do their job properly this eventually leads to organ malfunction.
But there are many warning signs that something must be wrong such as chronic fatigue, neurological disorders, gastric problems, or acute infections, pain in the joints. The cells are literally screaming out for help that a certain organ or system is heading for a major problem.
During such a “state of war” the only protection is giving the cells enough of the vital nutrients to deal with the constant assault. It has been found that chronic fatigue or “burnout” patients often have an acute deficit of essential nutrients such as Omega 3 fatty acids which keeps the stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline under control. While the body has an abundance of carbohydrates and fats there is an acute lack of magnesium, calcium and other essential nutrients.
So removing the toxins from the cells with the right nutrients and providing them with the right source of energy is the way to go. It is estimated that 70 per cent if not more of our health is attributed to lifestyle habits with only a small portion affected by genes, injuries or other factors.
There is compelling evidence that the chronic shortage of Omega 3 fatty acids in most foods is responsible for many psychological disorders such as depression and Attention Deficity Syndrome (ADS).
Eating the right superfoods will do a lot to reduce stress and anxiety and help provide the essential nutrients to the cells. Here are some:
- Avocados are rich in Vitamin B and monunsaturated fat and potassium which can help lower blood pressure.
- Fish such as salmon is rich in Omega 3
- Fresh spinach, broccoli, kale and other rich greens are packed with vital magnesium and other vitamins.
- Sweet potatoes are a good alternative to carbohydrates and the urge to eat sugars when we have too much cortisol in our bodies.
- Almonds, pistachios and walnuts have all those B and E vitamins which help boost the immune system and help lower blood pressure.
- And, here is the absolute top of the pops – chia seed. According to legend it was already a powerfood for the Aztecs. It has a multitude of nutrients. It is packed with Omega 3. A little chia in your juice or salad will provide your daily intake of calcium which is essential for bone and teeth density. It will provide at least 30 per cent of the manganese and phosphorus you need for the day. The amino acid tryptophan helps regulate the appetite and has a strong mood influence. Chia seeds have also been shown to improve blood pressure for diabetics.
- Reducing carbohydrates in your food and doing away with industrial sugars and salts will do a lot to overcome the high-and-low energy cycles.
Remember the state of your health now is the result of the life you have been leading the past five years. Nothing is as rewarding as feeling physically and emotionally in top form which also immensely improves your coping-strategy in stress situations.