
Torched cars, running street battles and burning street barricades are scenes not uncommon in strife-torn countries with major social problems.  This time however it hit the wealthy northern German port city of Hamburg during the G20 summit last week with many friends witnessing the violent scenes.

The violent mob had no qualms in torching and ransacking the premises of hard-working small shop-owners, beating up journalists filming the scene and setting on fire a small car with a baby seat in the back. Numerous people were injured – miraculously nobody got killed.

Politicians and the mass media are quick to blame a small minority of criminal elements and left-wing radicals from all over Europe out to stir trouble. Whatever the experts say, there appears to be a thin line between civil behavior and anarchy.

As humanity moves to higher consciousness we will experience setbacks. We will go back two stepBusiness person looking at wall with light tunnel openings to take one step forward.  Mankind is going through a major transition with a leap in technology and information at your fingertips that only a decade ago could only be accessed in cumbersome library research. Entire industries are changing with once secure jobs being lost and new ones being created.

A lot of people stuck in old thinking are being left behind and part of the old thinking is the entitlement culture and failing to take responsibility. Its always the OTHERS responsible for ones own mishaps and failings: the parents, the school, the state, former friends and associates, the employer. And, conceded, it makes me angry.

Never before has humanity experienced such abundance, wealth, peace and liberty. The opportunities are immense and yet a crowd out there seems to have a mindset that it all needs to be a freeload without personal commitment. Life is not like that. What you are is a result of your mindset and thought process. If you eat junk food and refuse to exercise you will inevitably end up with bad health. If you fail to commit yourself to hard work and continuous learning, stay stuck in “blaming culture”, you will lose out.

If you adopt positive daily habits and a positive mindset your life will become positive. We do have the freedom of choice.  We are only to a very limited extent “helpless victims” to external circumstance.

Reino Gevers – Mentor for Leaders and Achievers – Your Health Matters

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