
Are you living in a tribal bubble?

Our world is becoming dangerously fractured into tribal bubbles and we are losing our sense of a common humanity along the way. As our world becomes more globally connected on a digital level, there is a growing tendency to align with a “tribe” that...

Beyond control

In one of my recent leadership workshops it soon became apparent that several participants were highly stressed out by external matters in their institution beyond their control. The result is a general feeling of helplessness, that, if not addressed, can lead to a...

Leaving the comfort zone

We humans are creatures of habit and we need to train ourselves to remain adaptable to the cues of change that the universe is constantly sending us.

Thought control? Hope springs

The Trump administration released the dire warning of its own climate scientists from 13 agencies during Thanksgiving, hoping it would be buried at a time when most people in the US are spending time with their families and eating Turkey. Trump told reporters that he...

Embrace Your Self

When I watch an animal, like my dog Klara, I cannot but help think that we humans are just about the most disconnected species around. Animals are totally connected to their immediate environment, sniffing, smelling and using all their senses to imbibe the immediate...