There is a saying that if you aren’t grateful for the things you have now, you will never be grateful for the things you are wishing for. Being grateful for what you already have is a key aspect of happiness. It is not about mumbling off five daily gratitudes like a...
A common thread in the teachings of the great sages is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts and behavior as a means of avoiding pain and suffering. It is one of the easiest and hardest things to do. In the age of social-media and political demagogues “the...
Facebook has rightly come in the firing line for its shoddy handling of personal data but I have a problem with the hysteria around the issue which seems to miss the point. Social media sites are abusing our data because we allow them to do so. The contract is that...
I had a really inspiring meeting last week in Hamburg and Vienna with the best-selling author and founder of Nerium International, Jeff Olson. He embodies all the philosophies on health and self-development that inspired me to establish my own consultancy business...
The great Napoleon Hill once said that every evil carries within it the flames of self-destruction. It was a warning by the famous mentor to his students, political and business leaders to reflect carefully on their actions and goals. When they are not in sync with...
During our recent walk on the Camino in Spain we met a young guy with a big hat on a remote mountain. Miguel was selling cold drinks and water to pilgrims and at the same time giving them an arm band with wise words written on them. I got the quote: “analyze,...