
Abundance and gratitude

The rise of extremism in much of the western world comes at a time where there has never before in the history of mankind been so much material abundance which bodes the question why many people remain frustrated and angry. Obviously the comforts of the modern world...


There is a saying that if you aren’t grateful for the things you have now, you will never be grateful for the things you are wishing for. Being grateful for what you already have is a key aspect of happiness. It is not about mumbling off five daily gratitudes like a...

Embrace Your Self

When I watch an animal, like my dog Klara, I cannot but help think that we humans are just about the most disconnected species around. Animals are totally connected to their immediate environment, sniffing, smelling and using all their senses to imbibe the immediate...

Is facebook really the problem?

Facebook has rightly come in the firing line for its shoddy handling of personal data but I have a problem with the hysteria around the issue which seems to miss the point. Social media sites are abusing our data because we allow them to do so. The contract is that...

Creating a better version of yourself

I had a really inspiring meeting last week in Hamburg and Vienna with the best-selling author and founder of Nerium International, Jeff Olson. He embodies all the philosophies on health and self-development that inspired me to establish my own consultancy business...

Count your blessings – our peaceful era

Mass media influences us in a negative sense more than we think. The emphasis is mostly on deviant behavior of the “rich and famous” or some catastrophic event , mostly in a far-off place that does not directly affect us or where we have never been. How...