
Nutrition and cancer

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates By Alyce and Reino Gevers The sad truth about conventional cancer treatment is that little attention is being given to how big an influence nutrition and acidity in the body has on...

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with

The quote above by author Jim Rohn take a similar vein to a poem by the 16th century English poet and cleric John Donne “No Man is and Island”. We are nothing more than a summary of influences from the people around us. We are born into this world as completely...

Are you into conspiracy theory?

A broad cross-section of people I have come across lately believe in conspiracy theories.  The argument mostly goes like this:  The world is being ruled by a small group of people who decide and control most of the things that happen in the world today from political...

Boosting your energy and life vision with a liver-detox

In my previous blog I mentioned that a healthy liver is perhaps the most  crucial organ in keeping our body and soul healthy and in sync. After sumptuous meals and drinks over the festivities the New Year is a good time to think about detoxing your liver. There are...

Keeping the “general” in your body happy

A healthy liver is not only crucial in detoxing our body and staying fit and healthy, it influences strongly our mood, enthusiasm and the joyfulness of being in there here-and-now. In Chinese medicine the liver is often compared to the strategic general at the head of...