An unidentified Peregrino left a message on one of the marker stones between Ponte Ferreira and Melide.
‘Every day is a walk into the unknown.’
True, you never know what might come around the next corner.
Especially here in the northwest of Spain the weather can change by the hour from clear blue sky to drenching rainfall.
Although the route is well-marked losing ones way in some unknown territory is common.
You have good days where you feel like skimming the surface of clouds and bad days where you feel every muscle in your body aching and every stone hurting your feet.
Lessons from the Camino are lessons about life about dealing on a day to day basis with the ups-and-downs, yet staying in the moment in the full realisation:
‘That this too shall pass’
Tolerating onself during long walks in solitude with different emotions coming and going is a good way of really getting to know in what state of mind you are in.
All the great masters of the mystic tradition of Judaism, the Kabbala, therefore sent their students on long journeys as part of their training.
Interacting with different cultures in an unknown enviroment, the walk into unmarked territory, opens the mind to self discovery and new experience.
Reino Gevers – coach, trainer, author