In my previous blog I mentioned that a healthy liver is perhaps the most crucial organ in keeping our body and soul healthy and in sync. After sumptuous meals and drinks over the festivities the New Year is a good time to think about detoxing your liver.
There are several natural and wonderful ways of doing this. It takes about two years for the cells in the liver to completely renew themselves. A healthy liver gets rid of all those toxins in the body, boosting your energy and quality of life on many levels.
Lets look at the foods you are eating. Start by reducing your intake of processed foods, carbohydrates, sugar and alcohol. Some of the super foods that will naturally cleanse your liver are:
carrots, olive oil, avocados, garlic, green tea, leafy green vegetables like spinach, artichoke, asparagus, kale, and brussel sprouts.
Fresh carrot juice with a shot of good flaxseed or olive oil and a teaspoon of Chia seed will work wonders.
You could also try the juice of half a lemon in a hot cup of water first thing in the morning. The sourness of lemons triggers nerve and hormone activation to the liver and digestive system. In general you should drink good water throughout the day as this cleanses both the liver and body. It also reduces the risk of gallstones, which results when bile becomes too concentrated in the gall bladder.
Molasses is not everyone’s cup of tea as the taste is bitter and takes some getting used to. But try this recipe over ten days:
Two tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of molasses, one tablespoon of virgin olive oil, a pinch of cayenne pepper and a cup of warm water.
From a physical aspect all the martial arts such as Judo, Karate, the Tai Chi Quick Fist, Push-Hands or Sword Form are excellent in stimulating your liver energy and getting rid of suppressed anger.
On the mental level an imbalanced liver is very often related to cynicism, anger, irritability and excessive irony. Am I having difficulty in coping with losses, disappointments and shattered dreams? Is it not time to renew my visions, my dreams and what I really want from life?
Here is an exercise that might help you. Take at least a 15-minute breaks once a day to do the following. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing for at least a count of up to 21. Then visualise how you would like your ideal life to be like without any restrictions or boundaries. What job would I like to have? What house do I ideally want to live in? What is my ideal of a happy relationship, friendships and social life? Don’t get disturbed by curve balls like self-pity, negative thoughts and emotions.
Every thought can become reality but you need to give it thought and time to take root and flourish.
It gets more energy if you write it down in every detail and use as many pictures and images as possible.
A really good time for such a future vision is right now and in the months just before the first signs of spring.