Embrace Your Self
When I watch an animal, like my dog Klara, I cannot but help think that we humans are just about the most disconnected species around. Animals are totally connected to their immediate environment, sniffing, smelling and using all their senses to imbibe the immediate...
Taking care of your body is spiritual work
It is a real tragedy that Christian religion has taught us for generations that it is better to live outside the body than within. Eastern religion has taken a different route with the body arts of yoga and tai chi deeply embedded in Buddhism and Hinduism. Early...
Emotions running wild?
A common thread in the teachings of the great sages is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts and behavior as a means of avoiding pain and suffering. It is one of the easiest and hardest things to do. In the age of social-media and political demagogues “the...
Feeling stressed out?
Why do so many people suffer from stress and chronic fatigue? Has the “comfortable” life made us less resilient?
Stress: A curse or a blessing?
We hear it all the time: People complaining that they are stressed out, attributing all sorts of health problems to stress. It’s a myth. Stress is not the problem – lack of rejuvenation is. Stress hormones flooding our system are crucial to our survival instincts....
Where is your attention?
by Reino Gevers When you practise the martial art of "taiji push hands" you instantly become aware when your mind is wandering elsewhere. As soon as your attention slips your opponent has easy play in finding the gap and pushing you over. Its all about: Where your...
8-point plan to improved health
Most of us have good health as a top life priority. We know that we need to adopt a certain lifestyle to stay healthy. The information is all out there. We read about it almost daily in the glossy lifestyle magazines and self-development books. But why do so many...
Reconnecting to the web of life
Humanity's disconnect to the web of life, the lack of respect and awareness for the many parts of the bigger whole, has got us into a pretty dire predicament. Some theorists would argue that man is a predator by nature and that it is all about the survival of the...
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with
The quote above by author Jim Rohn take a similar vein to a poem by the 16th century English poet and cleric John Donne “No Man is and Island”. We are nothing more than a summary of influences from the people around us. We are born into this world as completely...