
God, nature and the Duke

The disconnect from the spiritual self, the loss of meaning and purpose are responsible for much of our mental health crisis. Healing our planet starts with healing the self.

The broken modern workplace

The more a job inherently resembles a game – with variety, appropriate and flexible challenges, clear goals, and immediate feedback – the more enjoyable it will be regardless of the worker’s level of development. – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Roughly two-thirds of...

From brokenness into transformation

The key message of Easter is one of hope, rebirth, and resurrection after experiencing brokenness, hurt, and suffering. Suffering, pain, and brokenness is that part of life that sculptures us into the human beings we are destined to become.

Lessons for today from a dark age

The wise teachings of the 13th-century Mystics are timeless and more topical than ever during these pandemic times. They were the eco-warriors and holistic healers of their time, addressing issues of personal health, nutrition, and the environment.

Surrendering to the pain of the past

Staying in faith and trust is possibly one of the hardest trainings in patience but Meister Eckart also describes it as the highest schooling in spiritual training and elevation of consciousness.