Most of us have good health as a top life priority. We know that we need to adopt a certain lifestyle to stay healthy. The information is all out there. We read about it almost daily in the glossy lifestyle magazines and self-development books. But why do so many people start with good intentions and give up after a few weeks. At the start of every new year yoga and other fitness studios have a run of new members who then give up after a few weeks.
In most cases people are too ambitious, realising after a couple of weeks that the mountain is too high to climb. They give up and sadly they get angry at themselves and lose a lot of their self-worth. This is one of the reasons why most diet programmes simply don’t work. After losing some kilogrammes they regain most of their old weight.
In the following weeks I will provide some information about our 8-point PowerBodyMind concept that can lead you to a much higher state of physical and mental well being. All it takes is to follow a few simple steps every day, of every week of every month. So lets look at why physical exercise is so important and again this is nothing new:
Our body metabolism is very similar to that of other mammals. We need movement and exercise to stay healthy. The body naturally loses muscle mass as it grows older which slows down metabolism which we need for e.g. to digest food. Regular daily exercise has a major impact on body weight, muscle mass, body posture, metabolism and mental health.
Tip of the day
Do you really want to become a couch potato with a body plagued by pain and ill health? Regular small daily dosages of exercise lasting perhaps 15-20 minutes make all the difference when it comes to living a long and happy life of vitality. If you have the time to surf on the Internet you have the time to include an exercise routine in your day. Small things can do it: Use a bicycle to get to your workplace, walk to the bakery instead of using the car, climb steps instead of using the elevator. Find some activity or exercise routine that you really enjoy doing!
Your Benefit
Improved heart and lung functions, better body posture, improved mood and higher level of general well-being, improved coping-strategy with stress situations.